Top Ultrasound Technician Schools in Indiana

Top Ultrasound Technician Schools in Indiana

ultrasound technician image1Ivy Tech Community College

The Imaging Sciences program at Ivy Tech Community College is an ultrasound technician school in Indiana offering three different degree emphases: an AAS in diagnostic medical sonography/general, diagnostic medical sonography/vascular, or radiologic technology. The courses offered focus on technique, exposure, physics, and patient care just to name a few. Students are offered plenty of clinical practice and additional hands-on instruction in various hospitals and clinics to complement their course learning.

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Once program requirements are met and ultrasound technician students have worked for 12 consecutive months in the field, then they are eligible to take the National Registry Examination to become licensed sonographers, which opens up more career opportunities and a higher rate of pay.

Indiana University Kokomo

Indiana University’s imaging program is unique because it offers students with an associate’s degree the chance to complete a program that culminates in being awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Imaging Technology. Curriculum requires anatomy and physiology, diagnostic imaging, and clinical practicums in vascular imaging, ultrasound/echocardiography, mammography/breast ultrasound, and a complete clinical practicum in clinics and hospitals.

All graduates are eligible for the national certification examinations immediately upon graduation.

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Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis is an ultrasound technician school in Indianapolis that offers a Bachelor degree in medical imaging technology. The school offers a program that touches on sonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and interventional procedures (IP). Students will receive theory education in all of these fields but at the end of the program, they will be able to receive clinical practice in the field of their choice. Students can choose to spend their internship at OB/Gyn offices, in hospitals, or in small specialist practices that require the services of sonographers to help aid in diagnoses and treatment.

For those who are already field professionals, IUPUI offers a 32 hour non-clinical track for professionals who are wanting to earn a Bachelor degree but don’t require the amount clinical experience other students do. Students who stick with the program and stay on track are scheduled to complete the non-clinical track in about 10.5 months.

Indiana University

Indiana University’s diagnostic medical sonography concentration is one of the top ultrasound tech schools in Indiana. Graduates of the program are awarded a Bachelor of Science degree and are eligible to sit for the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation, OB/Gyn, and Abdomen/Small Parts exams given by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS).

Two tracks are offered: one for non-health care students and one for students who already hold a job in the medical field but are seeking to add a degree to their credentials. Classes are held only in the daytime and the clinical practicum is held at accredited hospitals and clinics during their normal working hours. Lectures, labs, and clinical experiences are staggered throughout the program so students learn hands on as they go through the book learning portion.

Medical Sonography Classes in Indiana

Indiana University – Purdue University-Indianapolis 425 University Blvd
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
United States
University of Southern Indiana 8600 University Blvd., Evansville, IN – 47712
Indiana University – Kokomo 2300 S Washington ST, P.O. BOX 9003, Kokomo, IN – 46904

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