Those interested in attending school in Chicago, Illinois to become an ultrasound technician are able to choose from two different colleges. Furthering your education in this field can be extremely beneficial and lead you to a rewarding career that you will truly enjoy. Chicago residents can expect an average tuition of $15,000 when attending one of these colleges while out of state residents have an average tuition of $17,000. The two schools that offers these types of courses within Chicago include DeVry University – Illinois and the Illinois Institute of Technology. Each school offers different programs to choose from that can help you in getting started on the career path that you’re interested in.
DeVry University – Illinois
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The DeVry University located within Chicago, Illinois offers a program to obtain a Bachelors degree in Biomedical Technology. This degree provides you with all of the training and education that you need to become a certified and professional ultrasound technician. Room and board is available off-campus for those interested in attending this school.
In this degree program, not only will you learn how to perform ultrasounds, but you will also learn various biomedical skills. The course consists of Introduction to Bioengineering, Biomedical Instrumentation Systems, Computer Techniques in Medical Imaging, Signal Processing and Microprocessor Interfacing. Learn how to use medical instruments, computer tools for acquiring images and data, producing images on x-rays, ultrasonic imaging and much more. Graduation requirements for this course include 9 full-time semesters and 139 credit hours.
Illinois Institute of Technology
If a bachelors degree or certification in ultrasound technician courses is simply not enough for you, you may opt to take advantage of the Masters in Biomedical Technology course offered by one of the most popular ultrasound technician schools in Chicago, the Illinois Institute of Technology. This college offers room and board both on-campus and off-campus, making it the ideal choice for those who are traveling from out of state to attend this top-notch school. Financial aid is also available for those looking to take advantage of this type of assistance.
In this educational graduate program, students will learn everything that they need to know regarding medical imaging and signals. This course-only degree program is designed to fully prepare students for professional practice careers. Some courses that students will take while in this program to obtain their masters degree include Computer Vision and Image Processing, Statistical Signal Processing, Analysis of Random Signals, Physiology, Digital Signal Processing II and Special Project in Biomedical Imaging and Signals. Electives are also available in this field.
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Choosing the Best Ultrasound Technician Schools in Chicago
When choosing an ultrasound technician school, it is important to know exactly what you’re looking for and what you would like to do within this career field. By obtaining the proper education, you are able to further your career with ease. Educational training may also be available at additional schools throughout the surrounding area and within different regions of the state of Illinois.