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Find Accredited Sonography Tech Schools in Sacramento, CA
Are you considering going to school to be a sonography tech? No matter where in the area you are, it is incredibly important to find accredited sonography schools in Sacramento, CA. An accredited school can open doors and provide training and placement opportunities that schools without accreditation cannot. Whether you look in the heart of Midtown or stretch your search out to Roseville, Folsom, or Elk Grove, ensuring that your Ultrasound Technician school is accredited is the first step to ensuring you get the education you deserve.
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Sonography Education in Sacramento, CA
Sonography is a medical procedure that uses sound waves to create visuals of the body’s internal organs and tissues. Sonographers – the people who control the sonogram machine – are highly trained technicians that have spent time learning not only how to work the machine, but the medical training behind it. Getting a Sonography education in Sacramento, CA can be a lucrative and rewarding career step. Researching the correct school for your needs is the first step in your future career; you can attend a local community college or go directly to a specialized school for your training.
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Salaries for Sonographer in Sacramento, CA
In general, California has a much higher cost of living than most of the rest of the United States, so salaries for sonographer in Sacramento tend to be higher than other places in the country. That said, the starting annual salary for a sonography tech fresh out of school can start at around $22,000 for a technician’s assistant, and climb to over $90,000 with time and training. An Ultrasound Technologist can expect to make approximately $24,000 a year in Sacramento.
List of Diagnostic Medical Sonography Programs in Sacramento, CA
There are several programs that can train and prepare students for a career in Diagnostic Medical Sonography in Sacramento, CA. There are private technical schools such as Sacramento Ultrasound Institute and United Technical Institute, and the Los Rios Community College District offers courses in their medical programs on the Consumnes River campus. In addition, Kaiser Permanente hospital offers an 18-month program through their school of Allied Health Sciences. Most programs last between six and twelve months, and can either offer a general overview or a specialized focus within the Sonography field.