Top Ultrasound Technician Schools in North Dakota

Top Ultrasound Technician Schools in North Dakota

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If you have decided to become a sonographer, then you will have to enroll in and finish an accredited training program. You can also do most of the actual coursework online, which may be your best option if you are living in North Dakota. This will allow you to finish your lessons on your own time as you work towards gaining clinical sonography experience. Most of these online programs lead to one-year certifications that can help you enter the workforce as you set a goal for earning an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree in ultrasound technology.

ultrasound technician image1Sonography Education

Sonography education programs will generally cover the following subjects: Basic Anatomy and Physiology Fundamentals of Biology Patient Care Medical Ethics Fundamentals of Sonography Advanced Sonography Techniques

In addition, some schools may require their students to take courses in first aid, basic medical coding and basic computing. All sonography programs will require their students to finish a number of clinical hours in order to graduate. This provides sonography students with valuable work experience. In North Dakota, students can arrange to do their clinical hours in hospitals, clinics or other medical facilities if they have done their coursework online. Finally, ultrasound technology students must successfully complete a certification exam in order to practice in the field. Exams are typically offered by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS). Students can choose to take the basic examination that grants them the title of Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, or they can opt for speciality examinations. Once they have passed, new sonographers can begin to look for work in North Dakota.

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Salaries for Ultrasound Technologists

Thanks to the rapid expansion of the healthcare industry in places such as Fargo and Bismarck, there is a greater demand for ultrasound technicians. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, diagnostic medical sonographers in North Dakota made a yearly mean salary of $64,840 as of May 2012. This is well above the national average of $60,350 per year.

List of Diagnostic Medical Sonography Programs

There are a number of diagnostic medical sonography programs available to students in North Dakota. Most of them are offered online, as the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). does not list any accredited schools in North Dakota. Students living in Grand Forks or Fargo may want to look for real-time programs in nearby Minnesota.

Medical Sonography Classes in North Dakota

North Dakota State University (NDSU) 1301 12th Avenue North
Fargo, North Dakota 58108
United States

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