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An ultrasound technician in Hawaii has an amazing job with a multitude of benefits. The person uses special technology to monitor organs and growing fetuses inside another person’s body. Anyone who would like to obtain this job will have to have a certain skill set and personality. The person can learn the skills through schooling, but the personality traits should be prevalent before starting the venture. The person should have a high interest in human anatomy and a compassionate nature. Extreme concentration and focus is also necessary for an ultrasound technician in Hawaii.
Requirements for Sonograhpy Schools in Hawaii
Anyone who desires to become a sonographer must complete high school before moving forward. He or she should pay close attention to subjects such as math, science and health. Next, the person will have to complete a program that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. He or she can take a one-year or two-year program. Some colleges may request that the person also complete a Certified Nursing Assistant course, while others will not ask as much.
The final step on becoming a sonographer in Hawaii is gaining experience and knowledge through internships. The knowledge obtained from the internship may help the person to pass the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography exams. The exams are necessary for job eligibility. Once the person takes the necessary courses and tests, he or she may apply for jobs at various sites. Hospitals are the most popular places to find ultrasound technician jobs. Other sites one may search for employment are standalone outpatient clinics. Some technicians can find work at a physician’s office. A sonographer usually has a 40-hour per week schedule. However, some organizations will hire them on a part-time or as-needed basis. Additionally, some ultrasound technicians may travel to various hospitals or various countries.
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Major Cities That Offer Sonography Degrees in Hawaii related programs
Quite a few major cities offer online programs for people who want to study to become a sonographer in Hawaii. Honolulu is one major city that offers such programs. The University of Phoenix, the University of Hawaii, and Heald College offer such courses. One can also find relevant courses in a Kapolei online school. To become a sonograhper, the student has to go through a CAAHEP-accredited program. Such is only available online or at an out-of-state university.
Outlook for Sonography Schools Hawaii Jobs
The outlook for sonographer in Hawaii is bright. Analysts expect jobs to continue to increase in the field 44 percent by the year 2020. In fact, the outlook for this job is more positive than many other positions in the healthcare industry. A person who obtains a position as an ultrasound technician in Hawaii can earn a substantial amount of money. The average salary for this position is $74,000, with a high of $89,000 and a low of $62,000. Anyone who steps into this field will have a secure, lucrative career and a bright future. [table id=11 /]